Monday, May 30, 2005

Tavipop: The Musical

Takolkiat Veravan, or "Boy," is a well-known talented director/producer in Thailand television industry. And for a couple of times he has been making these fabulous musical plays. (I liked "Ban Lang Mek" so much.) This year it's Tavipop (ทวิภพ), a story about a girl in present time who can travel back in time through a mirror.

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I wasn't aware of this play until my mother gave me 2 complimentary tickets a few days ago for Sunday night's play. Actually, that round was kind of a charity round organized by Satit Chula's alumni association to donate some money to the Thai Red Cross to help tsunami victims. (Takolkiat is a Satit Chula alumnus. // Oh and those seats I've got were really great seats, right in the middle of the hall.) Met many of my high school teachers. It always amazes me that our teachers from the old days remember who we are, no matter how long time has passed.

However, it was only okay. I don't like the leading actor, Captain-Bhutanes, cause his voice wasn't really good (6/10 IMO). Pat-Suthasinee was good. I liked her. Supporting actors are great--though Viyada sings not as good as she should. My guess is if it were Kob-Songsit and Panatda, the play would be much better. Overall: 7.5/10.

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